Highlights on FIP Summit 

by PONG Scarlett Oi Lan, BBS, JP, President, The Pharmaceutical Society of Hong Kong


Theme  : Pharmacists’ Role on Immunization– Advocacy Approaches

Date      : January 18-19, 2018

Country : Amsterdam, Netherlands


The role of pharmacists in immunization and vaccination varies across the world.  In order to have a better understanding of the current role of pharmacists in immunization across the world and the impact of these activities, FIP conducted a survey through its 137 members (Table 1).

Table 1. General overview of the immunization activities undertaken in each of countries/ territories


Several countries authorize vaccination in pharmacies and/or by pharmacists (for example in Australia, UK, USA and even South Africa and Philippines) ; this practice has been initiated , in the majority of cases, with pharmacy- based vaccinations against influenza and then expanded to include other vaccines from the immunization schedule.  In most cases, it is associated with special requirements such as pharmacist training, management of vaccination records and specifications on premises, equipment and waste management.

In Canada where I studied and practiced before,  the Canadian Pharmacists’ Association (CPhA) strongly encourages pharmacists to take active role on advocacy and immunization promotion activities.  The profession gained the acceptance from the public, with 88% of Canadians trusting pharmacists to provide advice on vaccinations.

During our summit, we discussed about the advocacy activities, administration, training, limits and challenges.

We will share this with our university representatives and further explore future opportunities.



Photo taken with Carmen Pena, President, International Pharmaceutical Federation ( FIP)


Highlights on the FIP Advocacy summit on pharmacists immunization rights 2018